Dryleaze Luxury Doggy Daycare 

Where dogs love to come to play with their friends, explore the woods, parkland and lake 
all within our safely fenced grounds.

It's doggy heaven! 

The Finest Doggy Daycare
Please note we DO NOT offer boarding

When you entrust your dog to us, you can be sure that we’ll take great care of them and treat them as if they were our own. Not only that, but they will have lots of other "Dryleaze Dogs" to play with, while exploring our safely fenced 8 1/2 acre garden. They might go for a dip in the lake, explore the orchard or sniff out an adventure in the woodland. Whatever they choose to do, you can be sure they will come home tired but happy. So if you are going to work, shopping or anything else, don't leave them home alone, let them come and have some fun with their friends.
 Handy Drop off and pick up times

Morning drop off is between 
7am - 9am

Evening Pick up is between  
4pm - 6pm

On the A4 between Saltford & Bath
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